Rest API Developer

1 min readDec 31, 2020

What is Rest API?

Representational State Transfer (REST)

“Representational State Transfer (REST) refers to a group of Software architecture design constraints that bring about efficient, reliable, and scalable system.”

Application Programming Interface (API)

“A set of features and rules that exist inside a software program enabling interaction between the software and other items, such as other software or hardware”

Universal Resource Identifier (URI)

“A compact sequence of characters that identifies an abstract or Physical resource” that “provides a simple and extensible means for identifying a resource”

Universal Resource Locator (URL)

Subset of the URI that identifies a resource and explains how to access that resource by providing an explicit method like https:// or ftp://

REpresentational state Transfer (REST)

refers to a group of software architecture design constraints that bring about efficient, reliable, and scalable systems.

The Key abstraction of information in REST is a resource. Any information that can be named can be resource: a document or image, a temporal service, a collection of other resources, a non-virtual object .. and so on. — — Roy Fielding


The data contained at the end of the resource URI


Representation of the data obtained on access

